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This is an 12 team single elimination tournament bracket that shows the first torunament winners and the teams that played in it. (Not yet started)



This is an 8 team single elimination tournament bracket that shows the first torunament winners and the teams that played in it. (Not yet started)


League of Legends


We host the League of Legends Tournaments on this site and we hope that we can have signed up and ready to play, if you have an questions or want to contact us we have that on the page Contact. We provide Prizes for the winners such as: RP (Riot Points), and if we are sponsored by riot there will be a chance to get Triumphant Ryze Skin for the winning team each person gets these prizes.

This is an 8 team single elimination tournament bracket that shows the first torunament winners and the teams that played in it. (Not yet started)

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