League of Legends Tournament Sign-up Website
Offical Tournament Rules
The rules for the tourney are as follows:
Tournament Check-In Rules
Teams must check in no later than 15 minutes before the tournament start time.
Teams not checked in before the tournament start time will be Disqualified from our tournament.
Substitute teams that are checked in will take the place of said Disqualified teams.
Tournament Disqualification Rules
We do not take cheating lightly. We want to maintain an Amateur tournament community with high integrity to our players and to our spectators. Teams or Players caught cheating will face disqualification with no questions asked. Tournament Coordinators can extend the disqualification time if teams have more than 1 offense. Teams may also be kicked from out tournaments depending on the situation.
Any team accused and proved to be using any hacks, cheats etc.
Any team displaying poor sportsmanship or not following the Summoners Code.
Use of a Summoner not on your provided team roster.
Summoners using the original rosters summoner name with a different player playing on the acct, aka Account Sharing.
Intentionally Feeding/Throwing the game for the purpose of the other team winning.
Use of any bugs, bots etc.
All of the above may constitute in a disqualification upon our discretion.If disqualified then your team loses right to any prizes or etc. for that tourney.
Tournament Prizes (For Riot to decide,this is prefered)
1st place: 3200 RP + Triumphant Ryze per player (5 max)
2nd place: 2400 RP per player (5 max)
3rd place: 1600 RP per player (5 max)
4th place: 800 RP per player (5 max)
Pause Allowance Reasons
Bug Splat
Riot related disconnect issues
Summoner disconnect
Any internet issues causing a DC
No other reasons will be allowed.
Team/Summoner Eligibility Section
Summoner Eligibility
Being an Amateur League of Legends Community we are focusing on the Summoners that don’t have 1 million websites to compete on, which is why all Summoners that take place in our competitions must:
NOT be Challenger Ranking. Amateurs Only!
NOT be a professional League of Legends player
Preferred have a Summoner Account that is LvL 30 (Any lower levels will be added at teams own consent and at their own risk there will be no changes to what team you go vs.)
Team Eligibility
All Teams competing in our League of Legends Tournaments must:
All Summoners competing in our tournaments must be registered with your team. Summoners not registered on your team cannot compete
Teams can consist of any 7 Summoners that are LvL 30
Teams Must be NA Server
Teams Must Register Online
Team Roster Rules
Summoners competing on your team:
Must be registered with your team on our tournament registration form
Summoners do not have to be on an in client Ranked Team
Summoners must be LVL 30
Summoners must NOT be professional LoL Players or Challenger ranking
Once your tournament starts your roster is locked, Summoners competing in the tournament that are not on your registered team roster will subject your team to disqualification
Disqualification Rules
Not showing up on time to check in
Racist comments or anything to do with racism, sexism, or profanity
Purposeful Trolling
Leaving champ select multiple times
1 racist, sexism, or profanic word will result in entire team ban
There are no exceptions if you accuse someone of these take a picture and send it to an offical for review
False accuactions of these rules will result in your team being banned
These rules can change at any time*