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League of Legends Tournament Sign-up Website
Hi im Noah, also know as Jak147 and im the host of this webpage.
If you are a free agent and need a team fill in "Team Name" as your IGN and put Free Agent in the Free Agent box and ill have a page with all Free Agents on it with their info. Please provide your IGN and contact info that can be posted so teams can contact you and add you to their team.
Noah's contact information:
Skype: noaht29
League of Legends: Jak147
IFunny: League_of_the_IronSolari
If your team has any subs list them under "Subs or are you a Free Agent" so that there are no confusions.
The Winning team will win the Prize for 1st place and 2nd place gets a lower prize and 3rd gets the lowest prize.
Only the people who played and won the last game get the prize.
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